Lock Rekey

24 Hour Locksmith in Medford

Immediate Service!

(541) 550-7803

Deal Locally, We Will Meet or Beat Any Price!

Locksmith Medford – 24 hour mobile locksmith services for cars, homes, and businesses with no hidden fees or extra charge for nights and weekends.

24 Hour Lock Rekey: (541) 550-7803!

How exactly does lock rekey differ from lock replacement and repair.  Lock Repair and replacement go hand in hand.  While some lock replacement jobs are for visual Rekey-Locks-Medford-ORpurposes and security upgrades, most people are looking to replace a lock that is broken.  However, unless a customer is set on lock replacement, our lock and key technicians always try to repair the lock first.  Whenever repair is not an option, then replacement becomes more reasonable.

Lock Rekey is different than both and is necessary in certain scenarios.  If the lock itself is intact, but you need to rekey the lock as opposed to replacing it or repairing it, then please do not hesitate to call our 24 hour lock rekey company.  Regardless of what time or day or day of the year that you call us, it is always our objective and mission to rekey your locks for you the very same day that you call us (should you want immediate service, if not, we are always available by appointment as well).  To learn more about what lock rekeying actually entails, please keep reading!

Rekey A Lock In Medford

Rekey Locks For Cars

While most of our customers that need to have a lock rekeyed are commercial and residential clients, we do have the means to rekey the locks on your car doors, trunk, glove compartment, etc. should the situation ever arise.  One scenario that could call for automotive lock rekey is if you had to replace the lock on a car door or trunk and now want all the locks to match one key.  Also, if you lose the key to your glove compartment or center console, we can rekey the lock for you and provide a new key.

Rekey A Home Lock

Residential lock rekey is one of the most common services utilized that locksmith companies offer.  That is why our lock rekey technicians are fully trained to handle each and every type and brand of residential lock out there!  If the locks that you have are completely in tact, but you lost your only key, then we highly recommend our house lock rekey service as opposed to replacement.  Not only this cheaper, it is always much quicker and less wasteful.

New home-owners, realtors, and landlords are also encouraged to rekey the locks on their homes.  Even if the lock works fine and you have a key, re keying these locks will prevent any unaccounted for keys that previous owners or tenants have.  While we are not saying that there is no trust between people, it is nice to guarantee to a buyer or renter that no third party can access their locks.

Commercial Lock Rekey

As with the residential lock rekey service, we highly recommend rekeying business locks should a disgruntled employee or someone else with access to a key quits.  Again, we are not discrediting the trust that has been built, but business owners cannot take any risks when it comes to their assets and the assets of their employees and customers.  Whatever scenario you may be in, call Locksmith Medford today to learn about other situations that might call for business lock rekey.

Many factors are at play regarding the integrity and security of your locks and the mechanisms that enable their efficacy.  How old are the locks on your home, car or business?  Are the car locks factory locks or have they been replaced?  Does the key turn endlessly in the lock?  Perhaps, the key is jammed?  Whether are you in need of commercial lock repair, residential lock repair, or you need to repair the locks on your car doors or trunks, Locksmith Medford is here to help.

24 Hour Mobile Locksmith Services in Medford, Oregon.